Sunday, August 23, 2009

Back in Panama

After spending four weeks in Connecticut, I am back in Panama....have been for a week. Funny how no posts while I am in the states. Anyway, this morning we are going to get some dim sum for breakfast...mmmm...wonderful stuff. We are going to restaurant that has been around for many years, its called Lung Fung. Nice looking, very "oriental" in decoration. Dragons, buddhas, embelished work-work, deep colors of red everywhere. Nice place.

Friday, July 17, 2009

Got hammered last night for no good reason. Maybe its cause I leave for the states soon, maybe its cause I WANTED to...anyway, called a bunch of folks and slobbered all over the phone to them. I hope I didn't offend everyone TOO much. Called my uncle, told him he needs to go out and live his life before he really can't anymore. WHO AM I to say these things, talking as if I know something special. Silly. When one is young, one KNOWWS IT one gets older, it seems we simply reinforce that belief. I wonder when it is that wisdom sets in. How old do you have to be?

Anyway, lets see if I can keep the damage down to a minimum today. I need to pack my books so that my wife is happy. I need to pack my travel stuff so that I can travel happy. I need to pack my son's stomach with food tomorrow so that I can see him be happy. Happy, happy, happy, the name of the game.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Time in Paradise

Coming to the end of a six-week stay in wonderful Panama. Spent LOTS of time with my wife and son. Got lots done at work. Maintained a relatively happy state the entire time. This place is good for me. I will be going back to the states really soon to spend some face-time at work, get some good training, and get the apartment cleaned up, mail sorted, blah, blah...

It will be good to be in the states again. Seems like I haven't been there in forever. Looking forward to seeing everyone at work, going to a ball game (Yankees AND Mets), getting my XPS finally repaired, etc...

Now, back to the grind.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

New Year 2009

Well, its been soooo long since my last blog, my previous entries have dissappeared! Thats fine, since this is a new year, and I want to start fresh. Last year was good to my family and I. My son finally got the hang of sixth grade, lockers, different classes, tardy bell, having to write notes about homework. My wife opened her Belly Dance Fitness studio, and is expanding her classes this year. I got a new job with GE, and as a result, am able to travel more frequently to Panama to be with my family. I also started writing a little bit, a WEE little bit. Lets see if I can kick-start that this year, and turn it into writing A LOT!!!

Here's to a GREAT and propserous NEW YEAR 2009 to all, that it be as good or better then 2008.......